
The secrets of Andalucia


Two Passports One Love

Hostel Urban Sevilla image
Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Siège de Séville image
Metropol Parasol image
Alcazar de Séville image
Alcazar de Séville image
Casa Morales image
Triana image
Plaza de Toros de la Maestranza image
Plaza de España image
Plaza de España image
Taberna del Arenal image
Jose Cruz Conde image
Mosquée cathédrale de Cordoue image
Mosquée cathédrale de Cordoue image
Plaza de Abades image
Plaza de Abades image
Calleja de las Flores image
Judería de Cordoba image
Judería de Cordoba image
Calle San Fernando image
Calle San Fernando image
Bar Taberna Santos image
Plaza del Potro image
Plaza de las Tendillas image
Plaza de las Tendillas image
Colegio Escolapios Granada Genil - Dulce Nombre de María image
Iglesia de Santo Domingo de Granada, (Parroquia de Santa Escolástica) image
Parroquia de San José de Calasanz image
Alhambra image
Alhambra image
Alhambra image
Alhambra image
Alhambra image
Carmen de los Mártires image
San Pedro image
San Pedro image
San Pedro image
San Pedro image
San Pedro image
Restaurante Carmen El Agua image
Hostel Urban Sevilla
Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Siège de Séville
Metropol Parasol
Alcazar de Séville
Alcazar de Séville
Casa Morales
Plaza de España10 of 41
10 / 41

The secrets of Andalucia

Two Passports One Love

7 Days

4 Cities


Day 1

28 Mar

Sevilla image
Hostel Urban Sevilla

Sevilla07:00 AMLodging

Sevilla image
Metropol Parasol

Sevilla10:00 AMActivity

Sevilla image
Alcazar de Séville

Sevilla02:00 PMActivity

Sevilla image
Casa Morales

Sevilla03:00 PMFood

Day 2
Séville Sevilla

29 Mar

Séville image

Séville10:00 AMActivity

Sevilla image
Plaza de Toros de la Maestranza

Sevilla01:00 PMActivity

Sevilla image
Plaza de España

Sevilla03:00 PMActivity

Sevilla image
Taberna del Arenal

Sevilla08:00 PMFood

Day 3

30 Mar

Córdoba image
Jose Cruz Conde

Córdoba10:00 AMActivity

Córdoba image
Mosquée cathédrale de Cordoue

Córdoba02:00 PMActivity

Córdoba image
Plaza de Abades

Córdoba04:30 PMActivity

Córdoba image
Plaza de Abades

Córdoba05:00 PMActivity

Córdoba image
Calleja de las Flores

Córdoba06:00 PMActivity

Day 4

31 Mar

Córdoba image
Judería de Cordoba

Córdoba09:00 AMActivity

Córdoba image
Calle San Fernando

Córdoba12:00 PMActivity

Córdoba image
Bar Taberna Santos

Córdoba01:00 PMFood

Córdoba image
Plaza del Potro

Córdoba02:00 PMActivity

Córdoba image
Plaza de las Tendillas

Córdoba05:00 PMActivity

Day 6

2 Apr

Granada image

Granada10:00 AMActivity

Granada image
Carmen de los Mártires

Granada06:00 PMActivity

Day 7

3 Apr

Granada image
San Pedro

Granada10:00 AMActivity

Granada image
Restaurante Carmen El Agua

Granada06:00 PMFood


28 Mar

Hostel Urban Sevilla
07:00 AM

Hostel Urban Sevilla image


  4 Travogram_google  (302)

We paid 45€ / night for two people. This place was awesome! The prettiest hostel we have seen and the staff are super friendly! It is very clean and has everything you need, we got a private room

19 mins by Walk

Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Siège de Séville
08:00 AM

Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Siège de Séville image


  4.8 Travogram_google  (43228)

We started our trip visiting the cathedral. We woke up super early and made it right for mass. This was amazing because we got to hear the coir and explore the whole place. Please be very respectful when visiting since it is a place of cult. Here you will also find cristopher columbus’ tumb and enjoy the mix of architecture they have. The streets where super empty and we were able to walk and take photos whiteout people. We stayed at a hostal in the center and it was an amazing option! We recommend visiting Andalucía during the end of winter and spring. It gets really hot during summer and it might not be as enjoyable to walk around with 30° C

16 mins by Walk

Metropol Parasol
10:00 AM

Metropol Parasol image


  4.3 Travogram_google  (74896)

Las setas are amazing! We walked over and had breakfast in front of them. After, we went up and enjoyed the view. The plaza is absolutely insane and the structure unique. This is a must if you visit Sevilla, plus it allí g distance from all the other sites.

17 mins by Walk

Alcazar de Séville
02:00 PM

Alcazar de Séville image
Alcazar de Séville image
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  4.7 Travogram_google  (69017)

After having paella and sangria for lunch we headed to the real Alcázar de Sevilla! It didn’t disappoint! The palace is gorgeous with all its details and moorish architecture. Then the gardens are just something else! We spent all afternoon exploring and enjoying the sun. We recommend getting your tickets online to avoid the long lines. 14€ or 7€ reduced price. It is free on mondays but you have to book your visit beforehand.

8 mins by Car

Casa Morales
03:00 PM

Casa Morales image


  4.3 Travogram_google  (4424)

Casa Morales is an establishment that is well known in the city center where you can eat traditional andalucian food such as gaspacho, montaditos (sandwhiches), ensalada rusa (oliver salad), and our recomendation la carrillada: which are some pork or veal meatballs in sauce with a side of rice and potatoes.


29 Mar

10:00 AM

Triana image



On our second day we went off to explore “los patios”. They are famous in Andalucía so we figured it would be fun to look for some. We found some interesting ones filled with plants and flowers. Remember to ask for permission before entering to any of the courtyards, they are part of private residences and people value their privacy. After, we explored Triana and had lunch at the market. Highly recommend it!!

8 mins by Car


29 Mar

Plaza de Toros de la Maestranza
01:00 PM

Plaza de Toros de la Maestranza image


  4.4 Travogram_google  (22606)

You don’t have to watch a bullfight to enjoy this icon. The place is huge and filled with history. They have multiple shows you can watch from dances to concerts. Check out their program for your visit. If you walk there you will ask see some other icons from the city, we highly recommend the walk!

5 mins by Walk

Plaza de España
03:00 PM

Plaza de España image
Plaza de España image
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  4.8 Travogram_google  (134584)

This was the highlight for us! Plaza de españa is fully decorated with azulejos for every region in Spain and tell stories from the county and city of Sevilla. You don’t want to miss this part. They have boat rides, benches, a fountain and many more things. Right next to it you will find the park which we also loved! You can walk around and have a picnic there. We had some sangria with tapas while watching some people dance flamenco. Make sure to walk around the university to see its architecture and library.

8 mins by Walk

Taberna del Arenal
08:00 PM

Taberna del Arenal image


  4.4 Travogram_google  (3829)

This tapas bar blew us away with its delicious and reasonably priced specialities. It is conveniently located in the center and is a great place to try a variety of tapas. We couldn't get enough of their solomillo (sir-loin steak) varieties we especially liked the solomillo a la carbonara with whiskey. Other tapas we recommend are the el pimiento relleno de bonito which are peppers stuffed with sarda (fish) and the manchego cheese and mushroom tapas. If you haven't tried Jerez (sherry) so far this is a great place to give it a try.


30 Mar

Jose Cruz Conde
10:00 AM

Jose Cruz Conde image



Cordoba Bed and Be on the number 22. We payed 37€ / night for two people. This place was super welcoming and fun! The staff made great food and were very welcoming!

16 mins by Walk

Mosquée cathédrale de Cordoue
02:00 PM

Mosquée cathédrale de Cordoue image
Mosquée cathédrale de Cordoue image
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  4.8 Travogram_google  (15154)

Holly molly this place is AMAZING! We spend 3h inside enjoying every detail of has to offer. It was our first stop and it didn’t disappoint at all. It is free before noon but you get limited access and time inside. Normal tickets cost 11€ or 9€ with reduced price.

2 mins by Walk

Plaza de Abades
04:30 PM

Plaza de Abades image



El gallo de oro! En la esquina de plaza. Es un lugar pequeñito pero tiene los mejores sandwiches, pollo asado y papas que puedas encontrar, además la plaza tiene varias bancas donde te puedes sentar a comer mientras ves a las personas pasar. La señora que atiende es un amor de persona y le pone mucho cariño a la preparación de la comida. Los sandwiches solo sirven entre semana y cuestan 2.5€.

1 min by Walk

Plaza de Abades
05:00 PM

Plaza de Abades image



After the mosque we were super hungry so we walked to this plaza and had amazing chicken sandwiches. The lady is really friendly and gives generous portions. She only has sandwiches during the week, but her chicken is still amazing! Then we walked around this neighborhood and enjoyed the patios.

12 mins by Walk

Calleja de las Flores
06:00 PM

Calleja de las Flores image



This street is an icon! Right next to the mosque you will find manu cute sports like this one. You can also find the biggest Spanish tortilla we have ever seen! Super good


31 Mar

Judería de Cordoba
09:00 AM

Judería de Cordoba image
Judería de Cordoba image
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Woke up early and joined the free walking tour. It was a little boring and slow, so we decided to explore by ourselves. We walked around la judería, the patios and met the nicest people. Each house is really unique and special

23 mins by Walk

Calle San Fernando
12:00 PM

Calle San Fernando image
Calle San Fernando image
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More patios! Make sure to visit them. You can check out the ones that open on the oficial “fiesta de los patios” website. You won’t be disappointed by the experience

12 mins by Walk

Bar Taberna Santos
01:00 PM

Bar Taberna Santos image


  4 Travogram_google  (4164)

Puedes conseguir una porción enorme (o una más pequeña) y salmorejo por muy bien precio. El salmorejo, es orgullosamente cordobés- se parece mucho al gazpacho y también se come mucho en verano para combatir el calor apabullante.

3 mins by Walk

Plaza del Potro
02:00 PM

Plaza del Potro image



This plaza has a lot of history and played a key role in the city. You can visit the museum located there and learn more about flamenco, Córdoba, and it’s patios. The museums are very well organized and intectacive

11 mins by Walk

Plaza de las Tendillas
05:00 PM

Plaza de las Tendillas image
Plaza de las Tendillas image
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To finish our visit we sat at the plaza and enjoyed the local beauty content. It was fun being part of that and seeing how the locals spent their afternoon with a cold beer


1 Apr

Colegio Escolapios Granada Genil - Dulce Nombre de María
02:00 PM

Colegio Escolapios Granada Genil - Dulce Nombre de María image


  4.9 Travogram_google  (83)

This was the highlight of our trip! Spending Holy Week (Semana Santa) in Andalucía is something else! We wanted to see how it was and experience all the parades. As soon as we arrived to our airB&B we were given a calendar with maps of all the parades. We tried to see as many as possible and it was truly something else. If you can make sure to visit during these dates! We spend the whole day chasing parades and visiting churches. Even if you are not religious it is still magical.

15 mins by Walk

Iglesia de Santo Domingo de Granada, (Parroquia de Santa Escolástica)
03:00 PM

Iglesia de Santo Domingo de Granada, (Parroquia de Santa Escolástica) image


  4.6 Travogram_google  (1118)

This was the silent parade. Completely surreal to have so many people in quiet just appreciating and feeling all the emotion. Very special

6 mins by Walk

Parroquia de San José de Calasanz
04:00 PM

Parroquia de San José de Calasanz image


  4.6 Travogram_google  (50)

This was the last parade and they went all out! All those were real candles and it was the biggest Virgin Mary we have ever seen! Absolutely touching to see it and hear all the people singing

25 mins by Walk

06:00 PM



  4.7 Travogram_google  (1960)

This restaurant is very laid back and bohemian. They specialize in a blend of mediterranean and morrocan food. The food is surprisingly cheap for its high quality. We ordered the Moussaka and vegitable couscous both of which topped our expectations. As an appetizer we got the fried eggplant drizzled with a bit of honey.


2 Apr

10:00 AM

Alhambra image
Alhambra image
Alhambra image
Alhambra image
Alhambra image
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  4.8 Travogram_google  (119323)

This was the second reason why we came to Andalucía! THE ALHAMBRA What a place. We spend all day walking around and exploring the grounds and gardens. It is filled with history and details. We were lucky enough to have a friend/guide that explained everything to us. Make sure to buy your tickets months in advance, they ran out quickly! We gout ours almost 3 months ahead and it was perfect. They are very strict and the access is limited if you don’t have a ticket.

1 min by Walk

Carmen de los Mártires
06:00 PM

Carmen de los Mártires image


  4.7 Travogram_google  (3561)

We also recommend visiting this Carmen (garden). It is FREE and probably one of the prettiest ones we saw. The view of the city and the sunset will have you dreaming.


3 Apr

San Pedro
10:00 AM

San Pedro image
San Pedro image
San Pedro image
San Pedro image
San Pedro image
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Our friend took us to all the other Carmenes around the city. Absolutely insane how these gardens are decorated. We loved learning the story and what they mean to their owners. If you can make sure to visit these hidden gems in the city and enjoy everything they have to offer. We then spend a little bit of time walking around the center and eating tapas. The mosque is also an amazing place. We didn’t have time to visit the caves, but if possible try to go and watch a flamenco or guitar show. We hear they are something else.

17 mins by Car

Restaurante Carmen El Agua
06:00 PM

Restaurante Carmen El Agua image


  4.4 Travogram_google  (2503)

If you are looking to splurge on a delicious fondue meal overlooking the Alhambra, you should dine here. If you love cheese as much as we do you you won't regret coming to Carmen del Agua. We also got the homemade croquetas filled with Iberian ham to share. Even the plates you are served in are gourmet and considering that in most places the service can be dreadful, we got the very best service possible here.

Trip Recap

Country Visited


Month Traveled


Traveler Type


Trip Duration

7 Days

Lodging Cleanliness?






How crowded it was?


Did you feel safe?


Drinking Water


Rental Car


Mode of Payments


Tipping at Restaurants


English Speaking


Comments (13)
Travelin Thomas
3 Yrs

Thanks for sharing details of Samana Santa Holy Week parade details 🙏very helpful

Two Passports One Love

Its a great time to visit!

Jumping Jacks
3 Yrs

🥰Lovely…. Good destination👌

Abbey Road
3 Yrs

Wow...🥰😘I would like to visit these places with my mother

Two Passports One Love

Im sure you both would have a great time

Devin Clark
3 Yrs

I enjoyed it a lot.... 🧡🧡loved your travogram🧡🧡

Two Passports One Love

Thank you!

Second Wind
3 Yrs

Woww, solid descriptions👍 what is the suitable time to visit San Pedro?

Two Passports One Love

Spring or fall to about the heat

2 hearts voyage
3 Yrs


Green Cactus
3 Yrs

Amazing travogram 😍😍 beautiful cover picture👌

Up and Above
3 Yrs

Hey, I would like to visit Alhambra, thanks for your tips and suggestions

Lakeside Walk
1 Yr

Aw!!! How amazing!

Comments (13)
Travelin Thomas
3 Yrs

Thanks for sharing details of Samana Santa Holy Week parade details 🙏very helpful

Two Passports One Love

Its a great time to visit!

Jumping Jacks
3 Yrs

🥰Lovely…. Good destination👌

Abbey Road
3 Yrs

Wow...🥰😘I would like to visit these places with my mother

Two Passports One Love

Im sure you both would have a great time

Devin Clark
3 Yrs

I enjoyed it a lot.... 🧡🧡loved your travogram🧡🧡

Two Passports One Love

Thank you!

Second Wind
3 Yrs

Woww, solid descriptions👍 what is the suitable time to visit San Pedro?

Two Passports One Love

Spring or fall to about the heat

2 hearts voyage
3 Yrs


Green Cactus
3 Yrs

Amazing travogram 😍😍 beautiful cover picture👌

Up and Above
3 Yrs

Hey, I would like to visit Alhambra, thanks for your tips and suggestions

Lakeside Walk
1 Yr

Aw!!! How amazing!


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