Iceland in winter
Tommaso Stefania
7 Days
28 Cities
4 Feb
5 Feb
6 Feb
8 Feb
9 Feb
10 Feb
4 Feb
Primo giorno: partenza alle 6 del mattino da Milano Malpensa🥳 arrivo intorno alle 11 a Keflavik. Ritiriamo le nostre auto presso Blue Rental Car ( straconsigliato) mi raccomando fate l’assicurazione completa, anche per vento e pietre. Noi avevano una Toyota Rav 4 e una Dacia Duster, entrambe 4wd molto consigliato in inverno a causa della neve e del ghiaccio e delle tempeste previste in questo periodo. First day: departure at 6 in the morning from Milan Malpensa arriving at around 11 in Keflavik. We collect our cars at Blue Rental Car (highly recommended) I recommend you take full insurance, even for wind and stones. We had a Toyota Rav 4 and a Dacia Duster, both 4wd highly recommended in winter due to snow and ice and storms expected in this period.
4 Feb
Primo step in Islanda la penisola di Reykianes con il suo faro. Attenzione al vento fortissimo 🌪️ The first step in Iceland is the Reykianes peninsula with its lighthouse. Beware of the strong wind 🌪️
4 Feb
Secondo step il vulcano fagradalsjall che ultimamente ha regalato una spettacolare eruzione. Camminata vista tramonto spettacolare. Attenti alla lava calda che scioglie le scarpe… Second step the fagradalsjall volcano which recently gave a spectacular eruption. Walk with a spectacular sunset view. Beware of the hot lava that melts your shoes ...
4 Feb
4 Feb
Ultimo step della giornata, direzione Reykiavik con momento relax presso la nuovissima Sky Lagoon nei sobborghi della città. Pernottamento in un appartamento prenotato su Airbnb per due notti nel centro di Reykjavik. Last step of the day, direction Reykiavik with a relaxing moment at the brand new Sky Lagoon in the suburbs of the city. Overnight in an apartment booked on Airbnb for two nights in central Reykjavik.
5 Feb
Secondo Giorno: Penisola di Snæfellsnes. Dopo la prima notte passata a Reykiavik, dove abbiamo ricaricato le batterie, dopo una bufera di neve durata tutta la nottata, ci dirigiamo verso la penisola di Snæfellsnes. Queste erano le condizioni di guida tra ghiaccio neve e raffiche di vento fino ai 120 km/H. Che dire? I love it ❤️ Second Day: Snæfellsnes Peninsula. After the first night spent in Reykiavik, where we recharged the batteries, after a snowstorm that lasted all night, we head towards the Snæfellsnes peninsula. These were the driving conditions between ice snow and gusts of wind up to 120 km / H. What to say? I love it ❤️
5 Feb
Seconda attrazione del giorno la famosissima e iper fotografata chiesa di Budir (Búðakirkja). Posto spettacolare con vista Atlantico, vento e un cielo straordinario, dove senti tutta la forza della natura che in questo paese regna su tutto❤️ Second attraction of the day is the very famous and hyper photographed church of Budir (Búðakirkja). Spectacular place with Atlantic views, wind and an extraordinary sky, where you feel all the power of nature that reigns over everything in this country❤️
5 Feb
Proseguiamo la nostra avventura in questa spettacolare penisola, tra cambi di tempo improvvisi, paesaggi da togliere il fiato e i numerosi stop per accarezzare i famosissimi cavalli islandesi. ❤️ We continue our adventure in this spectacular peninsula, between sudden changes in weather, breathtaking landscapes and the numerous stops to caress the famous Icelandic horses. ❤️
5 Feb
Ultimo ma non meno famoso spot della giornata il famosissimo kirkjufell con le sue spettacolari cascate kirkjufellsfoss. In questo periodo regna sovrano il ghiaccio quindi osserviamo le famosissime cascate ghiacciate con enormi stalattiti. Per un amante dell’inverno e dei paesaggi nordici non c’è niente di piu bello ed emozionante Last but not least famous spot of the day the very famous kirkjufell with its spectacular kirkjufellsfoss waterfalls. In this period the ice reigns supreme so we observe the very famous frozen waterfalls with huge stalactites. For a lover of winter and Nordic landscapes, there is nothing more beautiful and exciting
5 Feb
Kirkjufellsfoss in tutto la loro potenza. Kirkjufellsfoss in all their power.
5 Feb
In serata dopo una bella doccia bollente, giro nel centro di Reykjavik, per ammirare la sua famosissima chiesa che richiama alla colonne di basalto di cui l’Islanda e piena, molto caratteristica da osservare con una bella bevanda calda nella mani. Reykiavik e una bellissima città e la sera ci sono molto locali dove passare la serata con gli amici da locali cool alla moda a locali letterari, a pub in stile irish. In the evening, after a nice hot shower, I walk around the center of Reykjavik, to admire its famous church that recalls the basalt columns of which Iceland is full, very characteristic to observe with a nice hot drink in your hands. Reykiavik is a beautiful city and in the evening there are plenty of places to spend the evening with friends from cool trendy clubs to literary clubs to Irish style pubs
6 Feb
6 Feb
6 Feb
6 Feb
7 Feb
7 Feb
8 Feb
8 Feb
8 Feb
8 Feb
8 Feb
8 Feb
8 Feb
9 Feb
9 Feb
10 Feb
10 Feb
10 Feb
10 Feb
10 Feb
10 Feb
10 Feb
10 Feb
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7 Days
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English Speaking
Dreamy destination 😍😍
Waiting for more captions😍
My fav destination 😍 I will definitely follow your travogram for the caotions
Iceland is our dream destination...💙💙 thank you dear.. waiting for the descriptions 😍
Dreamy 💜
Wooww!❤ Nice location.. Waiting for the full story
Stunning🥰🥰 captions are so useful.. Thank you so much dear ❤️
Wow! 🥰Amazing coverage... thank you so much for sharing details about your visit🧡
🤩Wonderful story
Planning to visit Iceland with my family... Which is the best time to explore it?
It depends, winter has its charm with the ice the northern lights and the arctic winter, in summer with its greenery and its trekking, with children I would recommend summer / spring
Woow ❤️❤️ stunning!
Wow🤩 Loved it!!!
I'm also planning to visit Iceland soon!!! Wooww🥰
Wonderful travogram!
Awesome! 🥰Top destination on my list👍
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Wild Wild West
2 YrsDreamy destination 😍😍
Beach Family
2 YrsWaiting for more captions😍
Dusty Trail
2 YrsMy fav destination 😍 I will definitely follow your travogram for the caotions
Hush Hush Traveler
2 YrsIceland is our dream destination...💙💙 thank you dear.. waiting for the descriptions 😍
Beach Lover
2 YrsDreamy 💜
2 YrsWooww!❤ Nice location.. Waiting for the full story
Many Footsteps
2 YrsAwesome🥰
2 YrsStunning🥰🥰 captions are so useful.. Thank you so much dear ❤️
Hillside Tent
2 YrsWow! 🥰Amazing coverage... thank you so much for sharing details about your visit🧡
Emily Jackson
2 Yrs🤩Wonderful story
Feather Stones
2 YrsGorgeous👌👌
Off to Jupiter
2 YrsPlanning to visit Iceland with my family... Which is the best time to explore it?
Tommaso Stefania
It depends, winter has its charm with the ice the northern lights and the arctic winter, in summer with its greenery and its trekking, with children I would recommend summer / spring
Shinning Stars
2 YrsWoow ❤️❤️ stunning!
Oyster Bay
2 YrsWow🤩 Loved it!!!
On the go
2 YrsI'm also planning to visit Iceland soon!!! Wooww🥰
Lakes and Parks
2 YrsWonderful travogram!
Keep it Cool
2 YrsAwesome! 🥰Top destination on my list👍